Always great to see Roger (and Rand) across the internet!
I’ve been a SEOmoz Pro member since 2008, life would have been a lot harder without it! Not only some of the best tools available but also, and without doubt the best events, the old proSEO is now searchLOVE and run in the UK by Distilled, it is the one event of the year I will not miss!
For anyone interesting in SEO and Digital mareketing give SEOmoz Pro a go (free for a month) and check out the Q&A too, as Rand says…
To be effective in SEO which SEOmoz tools do you feel should be used consistently?
Definitely the web app I described above, and likely Open Site Explorer, the Mozbar and Keyword Difficulty/SERPs Analysis. Those are the key tools in the suite, IMO.
There are many benefits you offer to Pro members. Do you have two favorites?
Q+A is pretty amazing, actually. I learn things in there all the time from the questions folks ask and the answers the community helps provide. There’s some exceptionally smart SEOs and marketers helping their peers succeed. Since I got out of formal consulting, Q+A is where I learn a lot of the new tricks, challenges and behavioral changes of the engines and the practice of marketing a site on the web.
My other favorite is probably the PRO webinars. We have amazingly top-notch contributors like Richard Baxter, Mike King, Tom Critchlow, Chris Bennett and many more giving away their best stuff and they’re all archived after the day-of event, so PRO members can watch them anytime. Even a lot of folks skeptical about SEOmoz have written in saying they were blown away by the content provided.
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